Course Reserves | Library Help and FAQ
My professor put something on "reserve" for our class. What is this?
Each semester the library maintains a collection of Course Reserve materials for student use. Course Reserve items are materials (readings, DVDs, etc.), assigned by a professor, that can be accessed from the library for a limited time. Reserves can come in two forms: traditional reserve or electronic reserve.
Where can I find it?
Traditional Reserve
Traditional reserve items are "hard copy" or "paper" reserves. These materials are located on the shelves behind the Checkouts Desk. Items on reserve are checked out for a short-term loan: either for 2, 3, or 24 hour periods. The loan period is determined by the professor. Most professors will notify you if an assignment is available "on reserve" at the library. However, you may also search the Course Reserves in the Library Search Engine by title, course number, or instructor to find items currently on reserve. As classes change each semester, so does the reserve collection.
Electronic Reserves
Many, although not all, reserve items can be accessed electronically via Course Reserves in the Library Search Engine. Access to electronic reserve is restricted to Carroll University students, faculty and staff and is verified by name and ID number.
Search by title, course number, or instructor's name, then type in your Carroll username and password (same info you use on the MyCarroll portal) and you will be granted access through our server. Call the Library at (262) 524-7175 if you have questions or problems with access.
Electronic Reserve articles are available in PDF format.
Can I renew Reserves materials?
Due to the high demand of reserve items, you may not renew reserve materials. If you try to renew them online, they will not renew. If you need the item longer, please stop in at the Checkouts Desk and talk with a library staff member. If there is no current demand for the item from other students, we can check it out to you again.