Circulation | Library Help and FAQ

Where are the books located?

Our collections and call number ranges are located throughout the building. Please ask at the Checkouts Desk if you need assistance. 

How long can I keep library books/materials?

The normal circulation period for most books is 28 days with one renewal for students and two renewals for faculty/staff. DVDs can be checked out for 7 days. If the circulation period differs for your materials, you will be notified at the time of check-out. Magazines and periodicals cannot be checked out. Visit our Circulation Policy page for more information.

Does the library charge for overdue items?

No! The library does not charge for overdue items of Carroll library materials. We simply ask that you return your materials on time. You will receive an email courtesy notice before your items are due and several overdue email reminders requesting you return your materials. After 60 days overdue, the items checked out to you will be considered as "lost" and a $60 fee per item will be added to your account through the Business Office. 

How many books/materials can I check out at a time?

Students can check out 25 items at a time. Faculty/staff can check out 35 items at one time. This includes books, DVDs, Reserve materials, and Interlibrary Loan items.

How can I renew my books/materials online?

Go to Your Library Account and log in with your Carroll username (with and password. You will see a list of all titles checked out to your account. Choose the items you would like to renew and click the "Renew items" button. If you receive an error message at the top of the screen, your item(s) has not been renewed.

Can I renew interlibrary loan materials (ILL materials)?

Interlibrary loan renewals are at the discretion of the lending library, and if permitted, may be renewed online from your My Library Account. Please see our Interlibrary Loan Guide for more detailed information.

Can I ask for a book/material to be placed on hold for me?

If there is a book/material that is not currently checked out, we can place it on hold for you. Notify the Checkouts Desk in person, call 262.524.7175, email us at, or chat with us online to place your request. Library staff will retrieve the book/material and it will be available for pick-up at the Checkouts Desk.

Can I recall a book/material that another person has checked out?

If you are interested in a particular book/material that is already checked out by another patron, you may notify the Checkouts Desk in person, call 262.524.7175, email us at, or chat with us online. In most cases, we will put a hold on the book to be saved for you upon its return. However, we will not recall the book back early for you, unless the book is overdue.

What are my options if the library does not own a book/material that I want?

First, you may check the library catalogs of other academic or public libraries in the area to find out if any own the item.

If there are no local libraries who own the item, you may request the item via Interlibrary loan.

If you feel strongly that it is an item our library should own in the future, we encourage you contact your librarian. All suggestions are reviewed and are taken into consideration when we purchase new books for the library.

What do I do if I can't find the book and...

The library search engine lists the status of a book/item as "AVAILABLE" but I cannot find the book/item on the shelf?

Ask at the Checkouts Desk. Staff will help you locate the item.

The library search engine lists the location of a book/item as "NEW BOOK TOWER?"

This location indicates that the book or material has been recently added to the library and has been placed on our new book tower in the lobby. The Curriculum Materials Collection (CMC) has its own tower of new books, so be sure to note the location of the item when you look it up in the library search engine.

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